


All year. Low risk of flash flood.

Gear you should bring (Not incluided)

Debes llevar ropa deportiva comoda, guantes tipo de gym, si no tienes puedes comprar unos guantes para trabajo en autozone y cuestan 35 0 50 aprox, personas con cabello largo liga para amarrarselo.

Service Information


  • QUOTE: $899
  • Zone: La Huasteca Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon, MEXICO
  • Age: 5 - minors should be acompanied by a parent
  • Estimated time from the starting point: 3 hr
  • Time to get from meeting to starting point: 1 hr
  • Activities Period: 1 day
  • Nights: 1
  • Groups

    Groups can be made of 5 people minimum. In case of not being able to form a group, you'll have to make reservations with a full payment of the tour and wait to be assigned to one of the groups formed by other people. If you can't be assigned, you'll be refunded. You may ask for VIP groups with no minimum persons and guides will be assigned exclusively for you including all meals, transportation from airport , cabins and hotel nights.


    Food is NOT included in this trip, we recommend you bring one litter of water and energy bars

    What Other Visitors Experienced

    Service Tabs

    Nos veremos en Ecobikes Husteca (puedes buscarlo asi en mapas) es una tienda donde rentan bicis antes de entrar a la huasteca, si ves la entrada de frente, del lado derecho esta un local negro ahi es :) . El botón llevame te guiará exactamente a la ubicación.

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